6 Things I Do Every Day For Better Health

When I run into my blog readers as well as other people, I am often asked: “What are the key things I do every day for my Health?”

Although I have many things I that I do on my own journey towards better health, I thought I would share the things that I do almost every day. I say “almost” because as you know, I live by the 80% rule meaning I try to do the right things 80% of the time. I believe that if you try and do Healthy things 100% if the time you are setting yourself up for failure as most people can’t accomplish that goal. If you live “healthy” 80% of the time, then for most of us it is a huge step in the right direction towards better health.

I believe the things I do every day work for me, as I can’t remember the last time I was sick…even with a cold or a cough. I sometimes feel like I am getting a cold however I seem to be able to fight if off and never actually get one. I also believe my daily regimen is working as I have amazing energy every day. I feel like I have the same or more energy than I did 20 or 30 years ago.

Here are the top 6 things that I do every day.

1.The Morning Shake

I must say that I have a shake every single day that I am at home. I find that the best way for me to start my day is by filling my body with 2 litres (full Vita-mix) of amazing ingredients right off the bat. This ensures that even if I don’t eat the healthiest the rest of the day that at least I am getting more than I require in terms of healthy fruits and vegetables. I have a shake every single day unless I am somewhere where I don’t have my blender with me. I am so passionate about it that I have even taken my blender to the National and World triathlon championships so I can get all my nutrients prior to my races. If you are not sure what to put in your shake, click on a previous blog where I outline my secret ingredients.http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/the-morning-shake/ ‎

2.Lemon Water or Apple Cider Vinegar

The first thing I do every morning once I crawl out of bed is go downstairs and freshly squeeze a lemon or apple cider vinegar and mix it with filtered water. This is a great way to start off the day as your system(kidneys and liver) have been working all night to get rid of waste products in your system. Lemon Water or Apple Cider Vinegar assist in cleansing your digestive system as well as your liver and kidneys. In addition, they immediately alkalinize your system so you start the day out with your body in an Alkaline state instead of acidic. This also helps to reduce inflammation in your system so that you can start the day in an amazing way.

3.Magnesium and Nighty Night Tea

A ritual I have every night prior to bed is taking my Magnesium as well as preparing and drinking my Nighty Night tea prior to falling asleep. Magnesium acts to “slow down” and relax our system which puts us in a very relaxed state prior to bed. I have my Magnesium just prior to heading up to my bedroom so typically have it about 30 minutes prior to going to sleep. I am often asked what type of Magnesium I take. I rotate it between different types of magnesium so my system doesn’t get too used to one type as then it won’t be as effective. I also have my Nighty Night tea which I drink just before I go to sleep(typically while reading) and the two things together seem to work like magic.


I have a work out typically every day of my life unless I plan a day off or my busy schedule makes it impossible. I think we all know the benefits of exercise. For me, exercise puts me in a great frame of mind and helps me be “on my game” during the day. It also oxygenates my cells including my brain cells which make me sharper during the day. I find that days where I don’t exercise, I don’t have the same level of energy or sharpness. I also find that exercise helps me to sleep better at night and have a much better and solid nights sleep.   I know it is often difficult to get a work out in with our busy lives however I make it a priority. I always try to get a workout in even if it is very early in the morning or late at night if I have to. For example, last week I had two consecutive 8:30 am meetings which meant I had to leave the house by 7:15 each morning. I woke up at 5:00 a.m. both mornings so that I could get my workout in prior to the day. Technically speaking we know Exercise is the fountain of youth. See the blog I did on this if you want a refresher or missed it:http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/6-keys-to-the-fountain-of-youth/


Quite simply, I eat mostly plant-based whole foods(not processed) as much as possible. This means that I typically eat a ton of Vegetables, Fruits, and plant-based foods including many nuts and seeds. I very rarely eat meat, however, I do eat fish a few times per week.   A change that I made last year that has really affected the way I feel was cutting Dairy out of my diet. I find that I no longer get the phlegm(I know it sounds gross!)  that I used to get when I ran or when I used to get colds. Once again, I am not obsessed with cutting dairy out however I do not drink milk at any time. There may be milk products in some of the wheat or bread products I eat or I have cheese occasionally, however, this would be as a rare exception.   For me, I find this way of eating ensures that I have energy and vitality all day long. I often get asked whether I sway from this r whether I eat any junk food? For sure I do however I treat it as an exception and find when I do deviate from my regular diet,  it seems to be on weekends or when I am out socially. I find however that when I do deviate from my regular diet, it affects the way I feel and often feel inflamed if I haven’t been eating well. I know I am inflamed when my joints hurt or I feel achy.

6.Thoughts before I go to bed

Another thing I do every night is a “thought ritual” that I think about prior to falling asleep. I simply recap my day and think of 3 great things that happened or that I am grateful for that day. It could be as simple as a great meeting, spending time with Barb or a family member or reconnecting with a friend. I find that this act of experiencing gratitude prior to bed leaves me feeling great about the day and puts me in a very peaceful and positive state so that I fall asleep in a great mindset and simply drift off to sleep.I hope that some of my daily rituals you find useful and can incorporate one or a few of these in your daily routine. I would also be interested in learning any daily rituals that you personally do that I could share with other readers.   Have a great healthy and Love Life day, Kev


  1. Love your discipline, Kevin. Peg and I do the morning shake, a series of vitamins, and eat well most of the time (very little red meat and minimal dairy). I also pray and walk daily (and get approx 70-90 km in per week), and I’m considering yoga and/or meditation.

  2. Hey Kevin. You have inspired Steve to do the shake. I am going to get the ingredients for him today and make a bunch of pre-paks for him to keep things simple and quick in the morning. I love number 6 and will start doing that as of tonight. I love your blogs. I always get something out of them. Have a super, great, healthy day!!

  3. Hi Kev. Another great job. I admire your dedication to healthy living. Who knows, you might reach 135. You set a very good example for your children and readers of your work. Love, Marge.

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