4 Steps to Reducing Inflammation & Reduce Cancer Risk

One of the concepts I have referred to in previous Blogs, was the topic of Inflammation and whether foods were Acidic or Alkaline. The bottom line is that the more Acid you have in your system the more “Acidic” your system will be and therefore inflamed. The best way to think of Inflammation is to think… Continue reading 4 Steps to Reducing Inflammation & Reduce Cancer Risk

8 Morning Secrets To A Great Day

I have been asked by a number of people what some of my routines and or Habits are towards better health. I thought I would share specifically what my routine is each morning to start the day. Now let me also say that what I outline below would be the perfect start to my day.… Continue reading 8 Morning Secrets To A Great Day

The Importance of Keeping a Personal Health Log

Every night prior to shutting the lights out I take a few minutes and “record” how I have done that day in terms of my diet, sleep, fitness and overall health. We(Advica Health) had a great speaker come to Burlington to speak to our customers a few times named Chris Crowley. Chris co authored an… Continue reading The Importance of Keeping a Personal Health Log

6 Keys To The Fountain of Youth

Today I went for one of my first runs since Christmas. I had this overwhelming sense of Joy and Happiness while I was running. While running I went through my typical running “Mantra”(see previous blog –Thoughts That Change Your Mood Daily (http://kevinbradyhealth.ca/thoughts-that-change-your-mood/) I thought that maybe I was overcome with Joy because it had been so… Continue reading 6 Keys To The Fountain of Youth